Policy: 07-04-01
Street Naming and Civic Addressing

Passed By Council on:05/29/2023

To provide direction for the naming/renaming of City Streets and the assignment/reassignment of Civic Addresses or Civic Numbers to residential and commercial properties.

Policy Statement
Policy Requirements
1 Committee

a) Council shall approve the creation of the Street Naming Committee (“the Committee”) to advise and provide recommendations on issues with respect to Street naming and Civic Numbering. The Committee shall operate as detailed below and in the Street
Naming and Civic Addressing Procedures.
b) The Committee shall establish and maintain the Reserved Street Names Inventory.
c) The Committee shall be comprised of at least one representative from each of the following:
i. Office of the City Clerk;
ii. Corporate Information Services (CIS) Division;
iii. Organizational Performance and Strategy Division;
iv. St. John’s Regional Fire Department.
d) The Committee may consult with various other departments as required.

2 Street Naming and Renaming

a) All Streets shall have names approved by Council.
b) Members of the public (including property developers) may submit Street naming requests as detailed in the Street Naming and Civic Addressing Procedures. The City shall not be required to approve any such requests.
c) All new Street names and any existing Streets that are renamed shall comply with the Street naming and renaming requirements as detailed in the Street Naming and Civic Addressing Procedures.
d) Street renaming shall not be considered unless there is an engineering rationale or the continued use of the name would not be in the best interest of the City, both as determined solely by the City.
e) Street renaming requests shall only be accepted from City residents or property owners.
f) Those requesting Street renaming shall complete the necessary documentation as detailed in the Street Naming and Civic Addressing Procedures.

2.1 Review and Consultation for the Reserved Street Names Inventory
a) The Committee shall review requests as detailed in the Street Naming and Civic Addressing Procedures.
b) The Committee shall follow the process detailed in the Street Naming and Civic Addressing Procedures for streets named after people or organizations.

2.2 Public Engagement for Street Renaming
a) The Committee shall seek preliminary approval at a Special Meeting of Council prior to conducting any public engagement related to street renaming.

3 Civic Addressing Assignment or Reassignment

a) The CIS Division shall determine which properties shall be assigned or reassigned a Civic Address or Civic Number as detailed in the Street Naming and Civic Addressing Procedures.
b) Where a property owner or property developer requests a reassignment of a Civic Number, the request shall be submitted in writing to the City Clerk for consideration.
c) All assignment or reassignment of Civic Addresses or Civic Numbers shall be approved by the CIS Division.

4 Costs and Notification

a) When a Street is being named/renamed, or a property is assigned/ reassigned a Civic Address or Civic Number, the City shall not be responsible or liable for any direct costs to residents and property owners associated or attributable to the said Street
naming/renaming or assignment/reassignment of a civic address.
b) The City shall notify the organizations as detailed in the Street Naming and Civic Addressing Procedures of any Street naming/ renaming and/or assignment/reassignment of a Civic Address or Civic Number.

This policy and related procedures apply to all Streets in the City of St. John’s and all Civic Addresses/Civic Numbers for these Streets.

Council shall be responsible for:
a) reviewing recommendations of the Street Naming Committee;
b) approving any Street naming/renaming.

2 The Street Naming Committee shall be responsible for:

a) providing recommendations to Council with respect to Street naming or renaming;
b) completing any required consultations or public engagement;
c) managing the Reserved Street Names Inventory.

3 The Office of the City Clerk shall be responsible for:

a) managing requests received for changes of civic numbers.

4 The CIS Division shall be responsible for:

a) managing the civic addressing process, including civic numbering/ renumbering.

“Civic Address” means the Civic Number, including the unit number where applicable, and the Street name assigned to a particular property.
“Civic Number” means the number (including any alphanumeric characters) assigned by the City for the purpose of identifying a property.

“Inclusion Advisory Committee” (IAC) means the Committee approved by Council as detailed in the Inclusion Advisory Committee Terms of Reference.

“Reserved Street Names Inventory” means the inventory of names approved by the Street Naming Committee that meet the requirements of the Policy.

“Street” shall have the same meaning as defined by the St. John’s Development Regulations 2021, that is “a publicly owned street, road, highway, or other way including a structure for any part of the street, road, highway, or other way designed and intended or used by the public for the passage of traffic and include all the space between the boundary lines of the street, road, highway, or other way”.

“Street Naming Committee” means the committee approved by Council as detailed in the Policy and related procedures.

07-04-01 Street Naming and Civic Addressing Policy.pdf07-04-01 Street Naming and Civic Addressing Policy.pdf
07-04-01-01 - Street Naming and Civic Addressing Procedures.pdf07-04-01-01 - Street Naming and Civic Addressing Procedures.pdf

Monitoring and Contravention
a) The Office of the City Clerk shall monitor the application of the policy and procedures.
b) Any contravention of the policy and/or associated procedures may be brought to the attention of the Office of the City Clerk, the Department of Finance and Corporate Services (Human Resources Division), the Office of the City Solicitor, and/or the Office of
the City Manager for further investigation and appropriate action, which may include, but is not limited to, legal action and/or discipline up to and including dismissal.

• Policy Sponsor: City Clerk
• Policy Writer: Policy Analyst; Manager, Land Information Services; Geographic Information Systems Technologist
• Date of Approval from
o Corporate Policy Committee: October 31, 2022
o Senior Executive Committee: May 12, 2023
o Committee of the Whole: May 17, 2023
• Date of Approval from Council: May 29, 2023

Review Period
Every five years
