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| 2022-10-18 | St. John’s First Pump Track Now Open at Quidi Vidi Park | The City of St. John’s along with Avalon Mountain Bike Association (AMBA) and Canary Cycles are proud to announce the opening of the first pump track in St. John’s at Quidi Vidi Park. The paved track is a fun way to develop biking and riding skills for all ages and abilities. |   |
| 2022-10-17 | Pumpkin Walk at Bannerman Park | On Tuesday, Nov. 1, you’re invited to display your Jack O’ Lantern (pumpkin) at Bannerman Park and participate in the Pumpkin Walk - a magnificent Halloween themed event that includes music and performances. A light source will be provided for your pumpkin. |   |
| 2022-10-14 | Sewer Vapour Testing on Empire Avenue Next Week | On October 18 to 22, the City of St. John’s will be conducting sewer vapour testing on Empire Avenue and surrounding areas. |   |
| 2022-10-13 | City of St. John’s Reaches 300,000 Cruise Ship Passengers | The City of St. John’s together with the St. John’s Port Authority have reached a significant milestone in the cruise ship industry. We are pleased to welcome the 300,000th cruise ship guest to our Port City since 1999. |   |
| 2022-10-07 | Meeting Scheduled for Kilbride Residents | Ward 5 Councillor Carl Ridgeley will hold a meeting for those residents of Kilbride with concerns stemming from Hurricane Earl: |   |
| 2022-10-06 | Thanksgiving Day Holiday City Schedule | Due to the Thanksgiving Day holiday on Mon. Oct. 10 all City offices and facilities will be closed. |   |
| 2022-10-06 | Visitor Information Services: Closed for Season | Effective Friday, Oct. 7 at 4:30 p.m., Visitor Information Services at the Welcome Centre, 348 Water Street, will be closed for the season with the exception of cruise ship visits. Visitors can contact the centre during the off season via email: tourism@stjohns.ca. |   |
| 2022-10-05 | My New St. John's LIVE Expo | The St. John’s Local Immigration Partnership is hosting the second annual My New St. John’s Live Expo Event for newcomers. The Expo takes place Monday, October 17 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the St. John’s Community Market, 245 Freshwater Road. Event admission is free. |   |
| 2022-10-05 | Improved Service Levels at Pedestrian Activated Street Crossings | Today, Committee of the Whole voted to enhance snow clearing resources at 122 pedestrian street crossings. The recommendation will be referred to a future City Council meeting for a final vote. |   |
| 2022-10-04 | Youth Forum October 18 at City Hall | On Tuesday, Oct. 18 the City’s Youth Engagement Working Group (YEWG) is a hosting a forum on youth-oriented municipal topics. The forum provides an opportunity for youth to network with each other and members of Council and learn more about the youth engagement efforts taking place at the City. |   |
| 2022-10-03 | SJRFD: Fire Won't Wait, Plan Your Escape | It’s time for Fire Prevention Week, and from October 9-15, the St. John’s Regional Fire Department (SJRFD) is joining forces with the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) to remind local residents 'Fire Won’t Wait. Plan Your Escape'. This message focuses on what a home escape plan entails and the importance of practicing it. |   |
| 2022-10-03 | Public Open House: Materials Recovery Facility | Have you ever wondered what happens to your recycling? |   |
| 2022-09-28 | Cat Adoption Fee is Half Price at Humane Services | The Animal Care and Adoption Centre at 81 Higgins Line is over capacity with over 50 adult cats looking for their forever homes. Starting immediately, adoption fees for all adult cats are half price, at $69. A complete listing of all our available cats can be found on our website. |   |
| 2022-09-28 | Truth and Reconciliation City Schedule | Most City offices and facilities are closed on Friday, Sept. 30 to recognize and commemorate the National Day of Truth and Reconciliation. |   |
| 2022-09-26 | Resident Satisfaction Survey Begins September 26 | Over the next two weeks residents of St. John’s may be contacted by MQO Research to participate in the City’s resident satisfaction survey. The survey was first conducted in 2018, then repeated in 2020. Residents will be contacted by phone and selected through a random process. Although participation is voluntary, co-operation is encouraged to ensure that the information collected is as accurate and representative of the population as possible. The survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete and individual answers will be kept strictly confidential. |   |
| 2022-09-22 | City Facilities Reopen As Emergency Alert Lifted | As the emergency alert issued by the RNC has been lifted, all City of St. John's facilities are now open to the general public. |   |
| 2022-09-19 | St. John’s Celebrates National Tree Day | The City of St. John’s, with support from Tree Canada, is celebrating National Forest Week (September 18 to 24) and the 12-year anniversary of National Tree Day on September 21. |   |
| 2022-09-19 | SJRFD: Deputy Chief of Support Services Appointed | St. John’s Regional Fire Department Fire Chief Sherry Colford is pleased to announce the appointment of a new Deputy Chief of Support Services. |   |
| 2022-09-19 | Public Engagement: BlindSquare Event App | In partnership with CNIB, the City of St. John’s invites users and non-users of the BlindSquare Event application, piloted at the Downtown Pedestrian Mall this year to provide feedback on their experience. |   |
| 2022-09-16 | City of St. John's will be open and operational Monday, Sept. 19 | The City of St. John’s wishes to advise the public that facilities are open on Monday, Sept.19, 2022. All services are operational as per normal, including recreation programs. The regular meeting of Council will also take place at 3 p.m. on Monday. |   |
| 2022-09-12 | Book of Condolence at City Hall | The City of St. John’s has a book of condolence in remembrance of Queen Elizabeth II. |   |
| 2022-09-09 | Planned Hydrant Flushing and Testing | Starting Monday, Sept. 12, and continuing until November 30, the City will be conducting routine hydrant testing and flushing. This work is required to collect flow and pressure data to improve the City’s water distribution network. |   |
| 2022-09-08 | Seniors Week: October 3 to 7 | Older adults and seniors are invited to recognize Seniors’ Week from October 3 to 7 – the theme for 2022 is ‘Seniors Reconnecting’. |   |
| 2022-09-02 | Construction Update: Street Rehabilitation on Southlands Boulevard Continues | As part of the Street Rehabilitation program, work on various sections of Southlands Boulevard has been ongoing throughout the summer and will continue to late fall 2022. |   |
| 2022-09-01 | Labour Day Holiday City Schedule | Due to the Labour Day holiday on Mon. Sept. 5 all City offices and facilities will be closed. The weekly Council meeting will take place on Tues. Sept. 6 at 3 p.m. |   |
| 2022-09-01 | City Reminds Drivers to Slow Down in School Zones | As kids return to school next week, motorists are reminded to reduce their speed to a maximum of 30 km/hr when driving through school zones in St. Johns. |   |
| 2022-08-31 | Watermain Lining Rehabilitation Work to begin in Churchill Square Area | Watermains on various streets in the Churchill Square area are scheduled for rehabilitation work in 2022 and 2023. |   |
| 2022-08-18 | Reminder: Stanley Cup Parade and Celebration for Alex Newhook on Monday | The City of St. John’s is hosting a parade and celebration for our 2022 Stanley Cup champion, Alex Newhook of the Colorado Avalanche, on Monday, Aug. 22 from 2 to 4 p.m. |   |
| 2022-08-16 | SJRFD: Updated Fire Advisory for August 16, 2022 | The St. John’s Regional Fire Department (SJRFD) wishes to advise all citizens that the fire advisory, dated July 19, 2022, within the Region which includes the City of St. John’s, City of Mount Pearl, and Town of Paradise will be lifted effective midnight, August 16, 2022. Open fires will be permitted, however, please check with your local municipality to confirm if a burning permit is required from this Department. |   |
| 2022-08-11 | Jumpstart Inclusive Playground Opens August 12 | The City of St. John’s and Canadian Tire Jumpstart Charities (Jumpstart) are proud to announce the opening of the Jumpstart Inclusive Playground at Mundy Pond Park to the public on Friday, August 12. At over 11,000 square feet, it is the largest inclusive play space in St. John’s welcoming kids of all abilities to join in the magic of play. |   |
| 2022-08-09 | Construction for Recreational Pump Track Starts this Week | Construction to build a recreational pump track on the grounds of Quidi Vidi Park will start this week and is anticipated to be complete in October. The location of the pump track is in the green space near the existing dog park on The Boulevard. |   |
| 2022-08-02 | City and CUPE Local 569 Reach Collective Agreement | The City of St. John’s is pleased to announce it has a collective agreement with its CUPE Local 569 employees. The agreement was ratified by employees late Monday evening, August 1, 2022. |   |
| 2022-08-01 | Regatta Day Holiday City Schedule | The Royal St. John’s Regatta is set to occur on Wed. August 3. If the weather is not suitable on August 3 and the Regatta Committee postpones the event, the following list pertains to whichever day the Royal St. John’s Regatta occurs. |   |
| 2022-07-29 | SJRFD: Updated Fire Advisory | The St. John’s Regional Fire Department (SJRFD) wishes to advise all citizens that a fire ban remains in effect within the Region which includes the City of St. John’s, City of Mount Pearl, and Town of Paradise. |   |
| 2022-07-25 | Parks Public Washrooms Closing at 8 p.m. | Due to ongoing and repeated vandalism of public washrooms in park spaces across the City, the following washrooms will close nightly at 8 p.m. effective immediately: |   |
| 2022-07-25 | What We Heard: Public Engagement for Property Managers and Landlords | The City of St. John’s Housing Division recently engaged with landlords and property managers to build knowledge around the provision of affordable housing in St. John’s, and to share supports and resources related to affordable housing projects. |   |
| 2022-07-25 | More Pay Stations to be Installed Downtown | This week, the City will begin installing pay stations on Harbour Drive, and throughout the downtown core, in areas that are currently serviced by PayByPhone and Timed Parking. The pay stations are the same model as those that are already in use on Duckworth Street. |   |
| 2022-07-22 | Stanley Cup Parade and Celebration for Alex Newhook | The City of St. John’s is hosting a parade and celebration for our 2022 Stanley Cup champion, Alex Newhook of the Colorado Avalanche, on Mon. Aug. 22 from 2 to 4 p.m. |   |
| 2022-07-21 | Bike Lanes to be Painted on Five Streets | City Council recently voted to reinstall and maintain painted bike lanes on five streets, in various areas of the city, which are outlined in the 2019 Bike St. John’s Master Plan. |   |
| 2022-07-21 | BlindSquare Event App Orientation | The City of St. John’s, in partnership with CNIB, is hosting a free orientation session for people interested in learning how to use the BlindSquare Event App, which is being piloted at the Downtown Pedestrian Mall this summer. The orientation is on Tue. July 26 from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. in the Foran Greene Room, fourth floor, City Hall. |   |
| 2022-07-19 | Fire Advisory for Jurisdiction of SJRFD | The St. John’s Regional Fire Department (SJRFD) wishes to advise all citizens that a fire advisory is currently in effect within the region which includes the City of St. John’s, City of Mount Pearl, and Town of Paradise. All open fires are banned until further notice including chimineas and fire pits. |   |
| 2022-07-15 | Regional Water Conservation Order in Effect | With this summer’s warm and dry weather, residents are reminded to limit their use of water outdoors to protect the water supply. The regional water supply servicing the municipalities of St. John’s, Paradise, Mount Pearl, and Portugal Cove-St. Philip's is experiencing a higher than usual demand. |   |
| 2022-07-14 | Senior Tax Reduction Automatically Extended | The City of St. John’s wishes to advise residents who are currently in receipt of the 2022 Senior Citizen Tax Reduction that the discount will be automatically extended for tax year 2023. Normally, residents who meet the eligibility criteria must apply annually for the reduction. |   |
| 2022-07-08 | Pool Schedule Changes due to Staffing Issue | Due to a shortage of lifeguard staff, swimming pool hours at the H.G.R. Mews Community Centre are being reduced. The pool will close to the public at 1 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays, beginning Sat. July 9. The steam room and sauna will not be available when the pool is closed on weekends. |   |
| 2022-07-07 | Pet Safety Reminders for Motorists | The City of St. John's Humane Services and the Royal Newfoundland Constabulary (RNC) are reminding motorists about the importance of pet safety this summer. If you are driving with your pet, they must be secured properly in the vehicle. If you are parking your vehicle, please do not leave your pet unattended in a hot car. |   |
| 2022-07-07 | Orangemen’s Day Holiday City Schedule | Due to the Orangemen’s Day holiday on Mon. July 11, the City Council meeting will take place on Tues. July 12 at 3 p.m. |   |
| 2022-06-30 | Downtown Pedestrian Mall is Open | Today, members of City Council were joined by representatives from the provincial government, Downtown St. John’s, and the George Street Association, to officially declare the Downtown Pedestrian Mall open for the summer season. |   |
| 2022-06-29 | Accessible Navigation and Wayfinding at the Downtown Pedestrian Mall | Today, the City of St. John’s in collaboration with CNIB Frontier Accessibility, a CNIB social enterprise, announced the launch of BlindSquare, an accessible navigation and wayfinding tool being piloted at the Downtown Pedestrian Mall. The iPhone app is designed for individuals with low vision or blindness, or any person who may benefit from a wayfinding tool to navigate the mall safely. |   |
| 2022-06-29 | Memorial Day and Canada Day City Schedule | Due to the holiday on Fri. July 1, all City offices and facilities will be closed. |   |
| 2022-06-28 | Reminder: New By-Law Restricts Dates and Times for Fireworks | As Canada Day approaches, residents of St. John’s are reminded of a new Fireworks By-Law which states that family fireworks are only allowed on Canada Day from 7:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. the following day. |   |